7:00 pm – Board of Directors met prior to the general membership meeting. These are the list of issues that were discussed:

7:31 pm – Meeting was called to order

Introduction of Officers: Mike Cumberland- President, John Hiser- treasurer, Brian Jesteadt- Membership, James Hacke- Secretary, Tom Horstman- Trap, Mike Ripley- Black Powder/Junior Rifle, Steve Gustkey- Pistol.

Special Guests: John Kay, a fellow member, stopped by the meeting. John is an officer with the Fish & Boat Commission. He stopped by to talk about some of the general rules for fishing and boating. John reminded everyone that the rule book issued with the PA license is just a list of general rules and is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the complete rules that can be found on their website; https://www.fishandboat.com/Pages/default.aspx . John also announced that there are numerous openings for new cadets. Visit their website to find more on the job openings.

Treasurer’s Report: John read the report.

Bills and Communications: Paid normal monthly bills. John announced it is time to renew the club’s insurance policy.

Pop: Steve turned in $13.

Rental Committee Report: March 8 – 10 pistol match, March 16 trap banquet, March 23, 24, March 30 frolic.

Pistol Team: Pistol team took in $197, $10 expenses, kept $54, turned in $133. The pistol team shoots on Thursdays, indoor starting at 5 PM. 22 cal. & Centerfire 32, 38, & 45 cal. All welcome to come practice.

Trap Team: Tom announced that the winter trap league banquet will be on March 16. The fun shoot will start at 1 pm with dinner and awards following at 5 pm. Trap shooting has ended until some point in Spring. TBA

Black Powder: Mike announced the frolic is approaching quickly and will be held on March 30th. Trail shoot starts at 9 am. Range shoot begins at 1 pm with dinner to follow at 6 pm. The meat shoot brought in $160, expenses of $105, turned in $35. 2nd Sunday of each month 11:00 am are the meat shoots (Black powder, closest to bullseye).

Junior Rifle Team: Mike said there is a younger group of shooters this year. He said they are all doing very well. Shooting will be on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 6:30-8pm and only cost $2. Contact Mike Ripley with any questions or interest.

Archery: Nothing to report.

Fun Indoor Shoot: Dickie turned in $155. They normally shoot every Monday 10am-till shooting is done, doors open at 9 am. Everyone is welcome. Iron/Peep sights with .22 caliber rifles from a rested position. Closest to bullseye wins a prize.

Membership: Brian read new memberships and turned in $5,730 of which $760 goes to the maintenance fund and $4,970 to the general fund, $450 for key cards. He reported 24 new members for 2019. Which now brings a total of 468 Sr, Life and Charter members. Total membership is 491.

Old Business: Club accepted bids and chose Baker Waterproofing and Wolf Outdoor Projects to dry up the basement.

New Business: None

Good of the Association: Steve Gustkey purchased a newer oven and microwave for the kitchen.

8:21 pm – Motion to adjourn